Friday, January 28, 2011

info about our india.

1. mount.k2 (godwin austin ) is second largest mountain in world.
                  its in border of india and pakistan  (ladak plateau)

2. we all known marina is second largest beach in tne world

             its length is 13.2 km    (from annasquare  to mahabalipuram)

3. india have second largest optical telescope in the world

                       its in kavalur, vellore district , tamilnadu

4. montessari  is the world largest school

                       its in india .

         actually montessari is the technique to teach from the preganant stage itself.

5. joke falls is the india's largest falls.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


(May be you can post once in a week)
Try to POST on LATEST TECHNOLOGY and other useful stuff

Microprocessor 8086 guys go to this link to view the ppt presentation about our microprocessor 8086 presentation might be useful for us to learn easily

chemicals in ur day-to-day life

friends ! our's is a chemical world and here are some chemicals which we are using in our everyday life!!!
Acetone: nail polish remover
Ammonia: household cleaner
Angelica Root Extract: known to cause cancer in animals
Arsenic: used in rat poisons
Benzene: used in making dyes, synthetic rubber
Butane: gas; used in lighter fluid
Carbon monoxide: poisonous gas
Cadmium: used in batteries
Cyanide: deadly poison
DDT: a banned insecticide
Ethyl Furoate: causes liver damage in animals
Formaldehiyde: used to preserve dead specimens
Hydrazine: rocket fuel
Hydrogen Cyanide: rat poison
Lead: poisonous in high doses
Methoprene: insecticide
Megastigmatrienone: chemical naturally found in grapefruit juice
Maltitol: sweetener for diabetics
Methyl isocyanate: its accidental release killed 2000 people in Bhopal, India in 1984
Napthalene: ingredient in mothballs
Nicotine: a poison used to kill cockroaches
Polonium: cancer-causing radioactive element

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

flags of 8086

1.CF (carry flag)Indicates if the instruction generated a carry out the MSB.
2.OF (overflow flag)Indicates if the instruction generated a signed result that is out of range.
3.SF (sign flag)Indicates if the instruction generated a negative result.PF (parity flag)Indicates if the instruction generated a result having an even number of 1s
4.ZF (zero flag)Indicates if the instruction generated a zero result
5.DF(direction flag)Controls the direction of the string manipulation instructions.
6.IF (interrupt-enable flag)
Enables or disables external interrupts.
7.TF ( trap flag)Puts the processor into a single-step mode for program debugging
8.AF (auxiliary flag) If this flag is set, there has been a carry out or borrow of the 4 least significant bits. This flag is used during decimal arithmetic instructions.


 Using the numerals 1,7,7,7 and 7 (a "1" and four "7"s) create the number 100.

brain teaser

some amount of birds are flying over the sky , at the time ,the bird which was lying in the tree ask the last bird which are flying "hello hundred birds where are u going" , last bird replied we are not hundred birds ,which are go in the first +half of the first+quater of the first+u+me =100

                             in first how many birds going?


if the difference of two number is 8 and their product is 16.what is the sum of their squares?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Free Microprocessor 8085 Programs And Also Mini Projects

Please Don't Thank Me For This

Every program is available
Even mini project for microprocessor

Please check this website 

The NeoCube 01

friends! watch this video.neocubes are composed of 216 individual high energy rare earth magnets. this s really interesting.for more videos and information log onto

8086 flag register

8086 has a 16 bit flag register. Out of these, 9 are active, and indicate the current state of the processor. These are — Carry flag, Parity flag, Auxiliary flag, Zero flag, Sign flag, Trap flag , Interrupt flag , Direction flag and Overflow flag.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Brain Teasers..

1) If you had a ton of feathers and a ton of stones which would be heavier?

2) Two women apply for a job. They are identical. They have the same mother, father and birthday. The interviewer asks, "Are you twins?" to which they honestly reply, "No".

How is this possible?


3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE), is the latest standard in the mobile network technology tree that produced the GSM/EDGE and UMTS/HSPA network technologies. It is a project of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), operating under a name trademarked by one of the associations within the partnership, the EuropeanTelecommunications Standards Institute.

The current generation of mobile telecommunication networks are collectively known as 3G (for "third generation"). Although LTE is often marketed as 4G, first-release LTE does not fully comply with the IMT Advanced 4G requirements. The pre-4G standard is a step toward LTE Advanced, a 4th generation standard (4G) of radio technologies designed to increase the capacity and speed of mobile telephone networks. LTE Advanced is backwards compatible with LTE and uses the same frequency bands, while LTE is not backwards compatible with 3G systems.

The LTE specification provides downlink peak rates of at least 100 Mbps, an uplink of at least 50 Mbps and RAN round-trip times of less than 10 ms. LTE supports scalable carrier bandwidths, from 1.4 MHz to 20 MHz and supports both frequency division duplexing (FDD) and time division duplexing (TDD).

Part of the LTE standard is the System Architecture Evolution, a flat IP-based network architecture designed to replace the GPRS Core Network and ensure support for, and mobility between, some legacy or non-3GPP systems, for example GPRS and WiMax respectively.

The main advantages with LTE are high throughput, low latency, plug and play, FDD and TDD in the same platform, an improved end-user experience and a simple architecture resulting in low operating costs. LTE will also support seamless passing to cell towers with older network technology such as GSM, cdmaOne, UMTS, and CDMA2000. The next step for LTE evolution is LTE Advanced and is currently being standardized in 3GPP Release 10.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Riddle for you.....

When you have me, you feel like sharing me. But, if you do share me, you don’t have me. What am I?
As i was surfing net i found the basic thing that most computer users world wide face..............."THE VIRUS"...Are u guys interested to crash the name of the virus founder who created the VIRUS it is.....

It was 25 years ago that this balding man, Amjad Farooq Alvi, then 24, and his brother Basat, 17, both based, of all places, in the unlikely tech hub of Lahore, created the first virus to hit the personal computer. Called © Brain, it spread like wildfire, igniting an inglorious era of crashing computers, lost data, millions of frustrated and bewildered computer users, and, of course, the $16.5-billion computer security industry.

"In the early days, virus writers were mostly young college students or geeks who wanted to prove their technical ability ... however, over time, they started smelling money in it and virus writing today is a big, underworld business," he says.

The Alvi brothers' virus was relatively harmless -- all it did was change the 'volume label' of the disk (essentially renaming it). But for the surprised and astonished user who was tech-savvy enough to dig deeper, the program also had a message hidden in it:
"Welcome to the Dungeon © 1986 Basit & Amjad (Pvt)Ltd BRAIN COMPUTER SERVICES 730 NIZAM BLOCK ALLAMA IQBAL
TOWN LAHORE-PAKISTAN PHONE: 430791,443248,280530.
Beware of this VIRUS.... Contact us for vaccination..."

To know more about this post click here

Friday, January 21, 2011


hai friends d above link is very much usefull for ur placement in future.view it and lern knowledge

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


1. A common word which contains all five vowels each used once and in their alphabetical order is FACETIOUS

2.A seven letter word which doesn't use any of the five vowels is RHYTHMS

3.a word with more than 15 letters in which the only vowel is 'e' is STRENGTHLESSNESS


1. able was i ere i saw elba

2.madam i'm adam not on evil

4.pull up if i pull up

5.niagara o roar again



MEANING: with honourablenesses

2.CHEMICAL FORM OF PROTIEN (C1289 H2051 N343 O375 S8) which has 1913 letters when written in full.


nansulate industrial paint

As far as alternative energy schemes go, this one almost sounds too good to be true: Industrial Nanotech has just unveiled its nanotech-based line of thermal insulating paint, Nansulate, which - when properly applied inside of a structure's walls - promises to effectively generate electricity. The thin sheets of thermal insulation would use the temperature differential between the interior and exterior of the building to produce a near constant supply of electricity, since - as company CEO Stuart Burchill argues - "there is almost always, day or night and anywhere in the world, a difference between the temperature inside a building and outside a building gives us an almost constant source of energy generation to tap into."

It remains to be seen how well this technology works in practice; even if Burchill's claims only hold partially true, however, it could prove to be a big step forward in alternative energy production. We'll be eager to see the results.


1.. During the second world war on a foggy day the Americans and British had the following conversation:
Americans: "Please divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid a collision."
British: "Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision."
Americans: "This is the Aircraft Carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, the second largest ship in the united states' atlantic fleet. I demand that you change your course 15 degrees north or counter measures will be taken."
The British were unarmed and did not move. What made the Americans change their minds?

2.A man is alone on an island with no food and no water, yet he does not fear for his life?
Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive examination and entrance test. Fully solved examples with detailed answer ...

DO visit the site... Coz its very useful...


1. Lord Greystoke is the real name of which fictional or cartoon
character, who was brought up in the jungle?

2.. How do we popularly know MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3?

3.What colour is vermilion a shade of ?

4.What kind of animal is a lurcher ?

5.Who was the Queen of the Fairies in Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer's
Night's Dream'?

6.Who cut off the tails of the three blind mice?

7.In the game of craps, what name is given to a throw of double one?

Saturday, January 15, 2011


1.The devices that provide the means for a computer to communicate with the user or other computers are referred to as???

2. The software used to drive microprocessor-based systems is called?????

3.How many buses are connected as part of the 8085A microprocessor???

4.The ________ ensures that only one IC is active at a time to avoid a bus conflict caused by two ICs writing different data to the same bus.

5.The items that you can physically touch in a computer system are called?

6.Single-bit indicators that may be set or cleared to show the results of logical or arithmetic operations are the???????

7.When referring to instruction words, a mnemonic is????

8.When was the first 8-bit microprocessor introduced???

9.What type of circuit is used at the interface point of an input and output port???

10.The 8085A is a(n)???????

friends try to answer these questions if u know..................


guys view this image and get solutions to solve ur problems in corporate feild not only in corporate field but also in ur daily life

Friday, January 14, 2011

computer architecture

  1. n computer science and computer engineering, computer architecture or digital computer organization is the conceptual design and fundamental operational ... - Cached - Similar
  2. Category:Computer architecture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The main article for this category is Computer architecture. ... Pages in category "Computer architecture". The following 62 pages are in this category, ... - Cached - Similar
  3. Computer architecture - Simple English Wikipedia, the free ...

    In computer engineering, computer architecture is the conceptual design and fundamental operational structure of a computer system. ... - Cached - Similar
  4. Von Neumann architecture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The von Neumann architecture is a design model for a stored-program digital computer that uses a central processing unit (CPU) and a single separate storage ...


Hey guyz ..Do you know about this?........
The recent investigation into the "varanasi bomb blast" led the police to two unsuspecting residents of vashi,mumbai.Their crime: they had not secured their wi_fi networks,and the terrorist group had hacked into it easily to send emails claiming responsibility for the blasts . There is no better time than now to check and secure those wi_fi networks.

* This is not the first time terror networks have tapped into a freely available wi_fi network.
* The problem is as much a case of consumer ignorance as it is a case of the telecom providers' slack attitude towards creating awareness on the subject.
* Often the service engineers are the ones who set up the passwords for wi_fi networks.
* Invariably the passwords everywhere are abcd1234 .
* There are public database on the internet that list the default user name and passwords for literally every router manufacturer there is.
* Not surprisingly , most of the administrators are called 'admin' and their passwords are 'passwords'.

microprocessor applications

1.1  Microprocessor Applications and Real-Time Systems

  • Microprocessors are used to handle a set of tasks that control one or more external events or systems.
  • Microprocessors are typically used in either reactive or embedded systems.
    • Reactive systems are those that have an ongoing interaction with their environment - for example, a fire-control system that constantly reacts to buttons pressed by a pilot.
    • Embedded systems are those used to control specialized hardware in which the computer system is installed - for example, the microprocessor system used to control the fuel/air mixture in the carburetor of many automobiles.
      •  In embedded systems the software system is completely encapsulated by the hardware that it controls.
  • Often the processor is required to manage various different tasks that have to be scheduled somehow and must also deal with outside interrupt sources such as an alarm when something goes wrong.
  • Real-time systems are those in which timeliness is as important as the correctness of the outputs, although this does NOT mean that they have to be �fast systems�.
    • A real-time system does not have to process data in microseconds to be considered real-time - it must simply have response times that are constrained and thus predictable.

Table of Contents


the table shows the vector address of all interrupts
1.Interrupt is signals send by an external device to the processor, to request the processor to perform a particular task or work.
2.The processor will check the interrupts always at the 2nd T-state of last machine cycle.
3.Mainly in the microprocessor based system the interrupts are used for data transfer between the peripheral and the microprocessor.
4.If there is any interrupt it accept the interrupt and send the INTA (active low) signal to the peripheral.
5.vectored address of particular interrupt is stoypes of Interrupts:
6.THE processor executes an interrupt service routine (ISR) addressed in program counter.
7.It returned to main program by RET instruction.
8.It supports two types of interrupts.
Software interrupts:
The software interrupts are program instructions. These instructions are inserted at desired locations in a program.
The 8085 has eight software interrupts from RST 0 to RST 7. The vector address for these interrupts can be calculated as follows.
Interrupt number * 8 = vector address
For RST 5,5 * 8 = 40 = 28H
Vector address for interrupt RST 5 is 0028H

Thursday, January 13, 2011


What is the next letter in this sequence?

S S E N T T T T T T T T T T T T ?

OS pdf

OS pdf

friends  you can learn more details about OS concepts by clicking the OS pdf which is in above...:)


friends you can learn more details about OS concepts by visiting the above link.......:)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

[- Edison, Thomas -]

Thomas Alva Edison invented the following:
    1. Wax paper
    2. The mimeograph machine
    3. The carbon telephone transmitter
    4. The phonograph
    5. The electric light
    6. The magnetic ore separator
    7. The radio vacuum tube
    8. The motion picture camera
    9. The dictating machine
    10. A variety of Portland cement
    11. An electric vote recorder
    12. The duplex and automatic telegraph machine
    13. A new kind of storage battery
    14. An ore-crushing machine
    15. The phonograph record
    16. The chemical phenol
    17. An electric pen
    18. The three wire electrical wiring system
    19. Underground electric mains
    20. An electric railway car
    21. A version of the stock ticker
    22. An electric railroad signal
    23. The light socket and light switch
    24. A method for making synthetic rubber from goldenrod plants
    25. A machine that, in his words, was "so sensitive that if there is life after death, it will pick up the evidence."

Learning for everyone, by everyone, about almost anything !!

Course Sign-ups begin January 12th!

Mozilla and P2PU have teamed up to create the School of Webcraft, a powerful new way to teach and learn web developer skills. School of Webcraft courses are 100% free, globally accessible, and powered entirely by learners and mentors like you.
The next School of Webcraft semester starts January 26, 2011.  Volunteer course organisers are refining their course concepts to provide 6 to 10 weeks of participatory classes, with "hands on" project-based learning that's fun, practical and focused on open standards.
The new courses for School of Webcraft will be opened for application from January 12th, 2011. Course organisers define a sign-up assignment which is used to measure applicants' pre-requisite knowledge and suitability for courses. As course places are limited, we can not guarantee that all applicants will be able to participate fully in the courses they are interested in*.
If you're interested in facilitating a course in the April round or at a time that suits your schedule, you can create a draft course at any time.

Click Here to known more info and for sing up !

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Intel Core i3

In the line of the core i3 processors, core i3-380M from Intel has the highest clock frequency. The core i3-380M has a nominal clock frequency of 2.53 GHz, improving upon the frequency of the core i3-370M’s 2.40 GHz by 133 MHz or about 5.5%. We should therefore expect performance of the CPU intensive task by an order of 5%.

Other than the frequency bump, the core i3-380M has features common the core i3 series of processors from Intel. It has integrated memory controller, which improves the processor to memory communication speed ( and it definitely a plus point, if you compare to the earlier core 2 processor architecture). The core i3-380M has 3 MB of Smart Cache which improves the performance if there is small memory ( less than 3 MB) that is needed to be referenced more often.

The table below lists out other processors of the core i3 family and their clock frequencies.

i3-330M2.13GHz35 Watts
i3-350M2.26GHz35 Watts
i3-370M2.40GHz35 Watts
i3-380M2.53GHz35 Watts

You may like to note that the core i3 processors do not have the turbo boost functionality. The turbo boost functionality is implemented in the core i5 and core i7 processors and it improves the real life performance by bumping the clock frequency for small duration when needed.

Integrated graphics is the other notable feature in the Intel core i3-380M. The graphics performance is decent for all daily and practical works, but is short of the ability to play high end gaming at higher resolution. The core i3 processors have two dies – The processor section is on one die manufactured with 32 nm technology while the integrated graphics and the memory controller is on the second die built with 45 nm technology. The two dies are integrated into a 988-pin micro-FCPGA10 package.

The core i3-380M has a rehauled architecture, so you should expect a performance jump with respect to the earlier intel core 2 processor. The internal architecture, integrated memory controller and the integrated graphics are some of the factors leading to the performance improvement. The core i3 processors slightly exceeds in performance with respect to the similarly clocked dual clock AMD’s turion ii processors, though, the turion ii processors may have price advantage. However, the performance of the core i3 processors are inferior to the similarly clocked core i5 processors mainly due to the lack of the turbo boost functionality.

In real life scenario it translates to the fact that the core i3-380M will have decent performance for the home and office functions. It will be modestly fast for spreadsheets, word, surfing, movie watching. Developers who need to write small scripts and code that compile quick should get results in real time. However, if you do a lot of video processing, or you are a developer who need to compile a lot of code, or you open and close many programs one after the another, you may benefit by the turbo boost function of the core i5 processors or the phenom ii processors from AMD.

We have started to see the some newer notebooks which have started to appear with Intel core i3-380M processor. HP has been forefront in the use of the core i3-380 with the processor being available for its HP Pavilion dv7t, Probook 4720s series and 4520s series laptops. Some of the Sony viao notebooks, for example Vaio Vpceb3dfx/Bj , Vaio Vpceb3efx/Bj and Vaio Vpceb3fgx/Bj come with core i3-380M. Fujitsu has core i3-380M in its Lifebook T580.

A Short History of Computer Viruses and Attacks

1945: Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper discovers a moth trapped between relays in a Navy computer. She calls it a "bug," a term used since the late 19th century to refer to problems with electrical devices. Murray Hopper also coined the term "debugging" to describe efforts to fix computer problems.

1949: Hungarian scientist John von Neumann (1903-1957) devises the theory of self-replicating programs, providing the theoretical foundation for computers that hold information in their "memory."

1960: AT&T introduces its Dataphone, the first commercial modem.

1963: Programmers develop the American Standard Code for Information
Interchange (ASCII), a simple computer language that allows machines produced by different manufacturers to exchange data.

1964: AT&T begins monitoring telephone calls to try to discover the identities of "phone freaks," or "phreakers," who use "blue boxes" as tone generators to make free phone calls.
The team's surveillance chief tells Newsweek magazine in 1975 that the company monitored 33 million toll calls to find phreakers. AT&Tscores 200 convictions by the time the investigation ends in 1970.

1969: Programmers at AT&T's Bell Laboratories develop the UNIX operating system, the first multi-tasking operating system.

1969: The Advanced Research Projects Agency launches ARPANET, an early network used by government research groups and universities, and the forerunner of the Internet.

1972: John Draper, soon to be known as "Captain Crunch," discovers that the plastic whistle in a box of breakfast cereal reproduces a 2600-hertz tone. With a blue box, the whistle unlocks AT&T's phone network, allowing free calls and manipulation of the network. Among other phreakers of the 1970s is famous future hacker Kevin Mitnick.

1972: Future Apple Computer co-founder Steve Wozniak builds his own "blue box." Wozniak sells the device to fellow University of California-Berkeley students.

1974: Telenet, a commercial version of ARPANET, debuts.

1979: Engineers at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center discover the computer "worm," a short program that scours a network for idle processors. Designed to provide more efficient computer use, the worm is the ancestor of modern worms -- destructive computer viruses that alter or erase data on computers, often leaving files irretrievably corrupted.

1983: The FBI busts the "414s," a group of young hackers who break into several U.S. government networks, in some cases using only an Apple II+ computer and a modem.

1983: University of Southern California doctoral candidate Fred Cohen coins the term "computer virus" to describe a computer program that can "affect other computer programs by modifying them in such a way as to include a (possibly evolved) copy of itself." Anti-virus makers later capitalize on Cohen's research on virus defense techniques.

1984: In his novel, "Neuromancer," author William Gibson popularizes the term "cyberspace," a word he used to describe the network of computers through which characters in his futuristic novels travel.

1986: One of the first PC viruses ever created, "The Brain," is released by programmers in Pakistan.

1988: Twenty-three-year-old programmer Robert Morris unleashes a worm that invades ARPANET computers. The small program disables roughly 6,000 computers on the network by flooding their memory banks with copies of itself. Morris confesses to creating the worm out of boredom. He is fined $10,000 and sentenced to three years' probation.

1991: Programmer Philip Zimmerman releases "Pretty Good Privacy"(PGP), a free, powerful data-encryption tool. The U.S. government begins a three-year criminal investigation on Zimmerman, alleging he broke U.S.encryption laws after his program spread rapidly around the globe. Thegovernment later drops the charges.

1991: Symantec releases the Norton Anti-Virus software.

1994: Inexperienced e-mail users dutifully forward an e-mail warning people not to open any message with the phrase "Good Times" in the subject line. The missive, which warns of a virus with the power to erase a recipient's hard drive, demonstrates the self-replicating power of e-mail virus hoaxes that continue to circulate in different forms today.

1995: Microsoft Corp. releases Windows 95. Anti-virus companies worry that the operating system will be resistant to viruses. Later in the year, however,evolved "macro" viruses appear that are able to corrupt the new Windows operating system.

1998: Intruders infiltrate and take control of more than 500 military,government and private sector computer systems. The incidents -- dubbed "Solar Sunrise" after the well-known vulnerabilities in computers run on the Sun Solaris operating system -- were thought to have originated from operatives in Iraq. Investigators later learn that two California teenagers were behind the attacks. The experience gives the Defense Department its first taste of what hostile adversaries with greater skills and resources would be able to do to the nation's command and control center, particularly if used in tandem with physical attacks.

1999: The infamous "Melissa" virus infects thousands of computers with alarming speed, causing an estimated $80 million in damage and prompting record sales of anti-virus products. The virus starts a program that sends copies of itself to the first 50 names listed in the recipient's Outlook e-mail address book. It also infects Microsoft Word documents on the user's hard drive, and mails them
out through Outlook to the same 50 recipients.

May 2000: The "I Love You" virus infects millions of computers virtually overnight, using a method similar to the Melissa virus. The virus also sends passwords and usernames stored on infected computers back to the virus's author. Authorities trace the virus to a young Filipino computer student, but he goes free because the Philippines has no laws against hacking and spreading computer viruses. This spurs the creation of the European Union's global Cybercrime Treaty.

2000: Yahoo, eBay, Amazon, Datek and dozens of other high-profile Web sites are knocked offline for up to several hours following a series of so-called "distributed denial-of-service attacks." Investigators later discover that the DDOS attacks -- in which a target system is disabled by a flood of traffic from hundreds of computers simultaneously -- were orchestrated when the hackers co-opted powerful computers at the University of California-Santa Barbara.

2001: The "Anna Kournikova" virus, promising digital pictures of the young tennis star, mails itself to every person listed in the victim's Microsoft Outlook address book. This relatively benign virus frightens computer security analysts, who believe it was written using a software "toolkit" that allows even the most inexperienced programmer to create a computer virus.

July 2001: The Code Red worm infects tens of thousands of systems running Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 2000 server software, causing an estimated $2 billion in damages. The worm is programmed to use the power of all infected machines against the White House Web site at apredetermined date. In an ad hoc partnership with virus hunters and technology companies, the White House deciphers the virus's code and blocks traffic as the worm begins its attack.

2001: Debuting just days after the Sept. 11 attacks, the "Nimda" virus infects hundreds of thousands of computers around the world. The virus is considered one of the most sophisticated, with up to five methods of infecting systems and replicating itself.

2001: President Bush appoints Richard Clarke to serve as America's first cybersecurity "czar."

2002: Melissa virus author David L. Smith, 33, is sentenced to 20 months in federal prison.

2002: The "Klez" worm -- a bug that sends copies of itself to all of the e-mail addresses in the victim's Microsoft Outlook directory -- begins its march across the Web. The worm overwrites files and creates hidden copies of the originals. The worm also attempts to disable some common anti-virus products and has a payload that fills files with all zeroes. Variants of the Klez worm remain the most active on the Internet.

2002: A denial-of-service attack hits all 13 of the "root" servers that provide the primary roadmap for almost all Internet communications. Internet users experience no slowdowns or outages because of safeguards built into the Internet's architecture. But the attack -- called the largest ever --raises questions about the security of the core Internet infrastructure.

Jan. 2003: The "Slammer" worm infects hundreds of thousands of computers in less than three hours. The fastest-spreading worm ever wreaks havoc on businesses worldwide, knocking cash machines offline and delaying airline flights.

2004: Vundo, or the Vundo Trojan (also known as Virtumonde or Virtumondo and sometimes referred to as MS Juan) is a Trojan Horse that is known to cause popups and advertising for rogue antispyware programs, and sporadically other misbehavior including performance degradation and denial of service with some websites including Google and Facebook

2005: The Zlob Trojan, also known as Trojan.Zlob, is a trojan horse which masquerades as a required video codec in the form of ActiveX. It was first detected in late 2005

2006: The Nyxem worm was discovered. It spread by mass-mailing. Its payload, which activates on the third of every month, starting on February 3, attempts to disable security-related and file sharing software, and destroy files of certain types, such as Microsoft Office files.

2007: Storm Worm identified as a fast spreading email spamming threat to Microsoft systems. It begins gathering infected computers into the Storm botnet. By around June 30 it had infected 1.7 million computers, and it had compromised between 1 and 10 million computers by September.Thought to have originated from Russia, it disguises itself as a news email containing a film about bogus news stories asking you to download the attachment which it claims is a film.

2008: Torpig, also known as Sinowal and Mebroot, is a Trojan horse that affects Windows, turning off anti-virus applications. It allows others to access the computer, modifies data, steals confidential information (such as user passwords and other sensitive data) and installs more malware on the victim's computer).

2009: Symantec discovered Daprosy Worm. Said trojan worm is intended to steal online-game passwords in internet cafes.

2010: Stuxnet, a Windows trojan, was detected. It is the first worm to attack SCADA systems. Some suggest targets Iranian nuclear facilities. It uses a valid certificate fromRealtek.

Some Interesting facts:

1. While it took the radio 38 years, and the television a short 13 years, it took the World Wide Web only 4 years to reach 50 million users.

2. The world's first computer, called the Z1, was invented by Konrad Zuse in 1936. His next invention, the Z2 was finished in 1939 and was the first fully functioning electro-mechanical computer.

3. "Stewardesses" is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand.

4. Bill Gates' house was designed using a Macintosh computer.

5. In the 1980s, an IBM computer wasn't considered 100 percent compatible unless it could run Microsoft Flight Simulator.

6. The first computer mouse was invented by Doug Engelbart in around 1964 and was made of wood.

7. Another name for a Microsoft Windows tutorial is 'Crash Course'

8. An Amd 1400 chip running without a heatsink gets as hot as 370 degrees.

9. The most expensive game ever developed was "ShenMue" for sega dreamcast.It costs $20 million.

10. Top Ten Supercomputers of Today:-
Arranged according to the speed:-
1. Bluegene/L DD2 Beta-system(IBM).
2. Columbia (NASA).
3. Earth Simulator (NEC).
4. MareNostrum(Barcelona Supercomputer Center).
5. Thunder (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory).
6. ASCI Q(Los Alamos National Laboratory).
7. System X(Virgina Tech).
8. Blugene/L DD1 Prototype(IBM).
9. eServer pSeries 655 cluster(Naval Oceanographic Office).
10. Tungsten(National Center For Supercomputing Applications).

11. What does 50 G.B of storage really mean?It means we can stack 3 piles of
single spaced type written pages taller than the Eiffel tower and data to
support this information is about 50 gigabytes.

12. The code name for the 12 engineers who designed the IBM pc was :-
'The dirty dozen'.

13. Isk drive recording head fly height (gap between the head and disc when the drive is spinning ) is less than 1 microinch while:-

A red blood cell is 300 microinches is diameter.
A particle of tobacco smoke is 250 microinches.
A particle of smog is 100 microinches.
A human hair is 4000 microinches.

14. 128 bit SSL encryption is so strong that it would take much , much longer than the age of universe to crack a message encrypted using it.Even 20 years from now, if computers are a million times faster. it would still take longer than the age of the universe to crack it.

15. South korea's SK telecom offers an inaudible ring tone to its customers which, it claims, can repel mosquitoes.

16. In 1971, the first speech recognition software named, "Hearsay" was developed in India.

17. A program named “Rother J” was the first computer virus to come into sight “in the wild” รข€” that is, outside the single computer or lab where it was created. Created in 1981 by Richard Skrenta, it attached itself to the Apple DOS 3.3 operating system and spread via floppy disk. This virus was created as a practical joke when Richard Skrenta was still in high school. It was injected in a game on a floppy disk. On its 50th use the Elk Cloner virus would be activated, infecting the computer and displaying a short poem beginning “Elk Cloner: The program with a personality.”

18. The computer mouse, the windowing GUI, laser printing, and the network card were all developed at one company; Xerox in Palo Alto, California.

19. The popular programming language COBOL was invented by Admiral Grace Hopper, the first female admiral in the US Navy.

20. The term ‘booting’ or ‘bootstrapping’ a computer derives from the story of Baron Munchhausen who at one instance, pulled himself out of a swamp by the straps on his boots.

Monday, January 10, 2011

application software

Application software, also known as an application or an "app", is computer software designed to help the user to perform singular or multiple related specific tasks. It helps to solve problems in the real world. Examples include enterprise software, accounting software, office suites, graphics software, and media players.

Application software is contrasted with system software and middleware, which manage and integrate a computer's capabilities, but typically do not directly apply them in the performance of tasks that benefit the user. A simple, if imperfect, analogy in the world of hardware would be the relationship of an electric light bulb (an application) to an electric power generation plant (a system). The power plant merely generates electricity, not itself of any real use until harnessed to an application like the electric light that performs a service that benefits the user.

Application software classification

There are many types of application software:

  • An application suite consists of multiple applications bundled together. They usually have related functions, features and user interfaces, and may be able to interact with each other, e.g. open each other's files. Business applications often come in suites, e.g. Microsoft Office,, and iWork, which bundle together a word processor, a spreadsheet, etc.; but suites exist for other purposes, e.g. graphics or music.
  • Enterprise software addresses the needs of organization processes and data flow, often in a large distributed environment. (Examples include financial systems, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and supply-chain management software). Note that Departmental Software is a sub-type of Enterprise Software with a focus on smaller organizations or groups within a large organization. (Examples include Travel Expense Management, and IT Helpdesk)
  • Enterprise infrastructure software provides common capabilities needed to support enterprise software systems. (Examples include databases, email servers, and systems for managing networks and security.)
  • Information worker software addresses the needs of individuals to create and manage information, often for individual projects within a department, in contrast to enterprise management. Examples include time management, resource management, documentation tools, analytical, and collaborative. Word processors, spreadsheets, email and blog clients, personal information system, and individual media editors may aid in multiple information worker tasks.
  • Content access software is software used primarily to access content without editing, but may include software that allows for content editing. Such software addresses the needs of individuals and groups to consume digital entertainment and published digital content. (Examples include Media Players, Web Browsers, Help browsers, and Games)
  • Educational software is related to content access software, but has the content and/or features adapted for use in by educators or students. For example, it may deliver evaluations (tests), track progress through material, or include collaborative capabilities.
  • Simulation software are computer software for simulation of physical or abstract systems for either research, training or entertainment purposes.
  • Media development software addresses the needs of individuals who generate print and electronic media for others to consume, most often in a commercial or educational setting. This includes Graphic Art software, Desktop Publishing software, Multimedia Development software, HTML editors, Digital Animation editors, Digital Audio and Video composition, and many others.[2]
  • Mobile applications run on hand-held devices such as mobile phones, personal digital assistants, and enterprise digital assistants : see mobile application development.
  • Product engineering software is used in developing hardware and software products. This includes computer aided design (CAD), computer aided engineering (CAE), computer language editing and compiling tools, Integrated Development Environments, and Application Programmer Interfaces. YUH ZEIT * A command-driven interface is one in which you type in commands to make the computer do something. You have to know the commands and what they do and they have to be typed correctly. DOS and Unix are examples of command-driven interfaces.
  • A graphical user interface (GUI) is one in which you select command choices from various menus, buttons and icons using a mouse. It is a user-friendly interface. The Windows and Mac OS are both graphical user interfaces